Curricular Enrichment

Modren Education inline with our Religious Values

The key objective of the programme is to use technology to enhance the learning with modern day requirements inline with our religious values. As a fundamental part of the programme, each classroom is equipped with the latest faclilities. 


Value Addition

The curriculum at CPES aims to provide students with not only academic success, but also a holistic environment so that they can develop life skills to enjoy a more balanced life. Keeping the needs of modern and practical life in focus, the management introduced the new subject ie., Naazra Quran, Grooming of Students, First Aid and Road Safety in the curriculum for all classes. This specialised curriculum is offered through a dedicated weekly class period. Students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to manage their lives and relationships, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help students to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in the modern world.

Foreign Languages

CPES  currently offers two foreign languages – Chines and German. Learning a foreign language improves communicative competence, develops a deeper understanding of diverse cultures and opens doors to a wider range of opportunities, thus producing globally aware citizens who are able to function in today’s ever-shrinking world.